Friday, 10 May 2013

The beginning and the end of an obsession.

This obsession began a while ago, I was far from Italy as I had been for a few years and I realised that the only connection I had left with my best friend was her blog and what she wrote in it.
I missed her terribly and was still asking myself what I did to make her wanting to forget me. Every time I switched on my computer I checked her blog and hoped to find an answer. I hoped to find a new post,  to see what she was up to, to see if she was doing well.

And the obsession had begun.

 I couldn't honestly avoid doing it, every time I was online I was checking it, I was obsessed with the idea that she might have had a reason not to want me anymore in her life and I was feeling a big fat hole in my heart. Then one day I was reading her blog and I started crying, I felt so sorry for myself, so insecure and pathetic.
I suddenly realised that what I was doing was a desperate act of finding a way back in her life as I was not ready to give her up. I also finally got that people move on for different reasons and there is nothing we can do to change their mind.
This obsession ended like it started and I did what I was expected to do. I moved on.
I am writing this down for myself because I often fall into the dark zone of nostalgia and do stupid things...

This above is an etching I did a while ago with one of my beloved Mr. Fish characters.

Thursday, 2 May 2013


The beauty of long walks.

I am enjoying a lot walking around with my camera, capturing the light and all those silly things that inspire me once I am back in my studio working. Spring will soon turn into Summer here on the coast and I am really looking forward to make picniques and have evening dinners by the sea or in the natural park behind my house, surrounded by thyme and rosemary plants. :)